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Employee Safety Committee
September 5, 2012
Newtown Municipal Center

In attendance: Carole Ross, Chairman, Bill Halstead, George Tammaro from CIRMA, Linda O’Masta from Rose & Kiernan, Rob Sibley, Cathy Monckton.

Mrs. Ross opened the meeting at 10:00am.

Review of injury reports:       A review of the injury reports took place with six reported in the last quarter.  The Majority were slips and falls.

Training:    Training will be coordinated for the OSHA 10 certification for the entire Public Works and Parks & Recreation Departments in early November.  

Old business:  Mrs. Ross reported that the Police Commission has recommended a raised crosswalk for both entrances of the municipal center.  The next phase of the process would be for design.  

Building inspections/concerns:  The Fire Marshal has completed the inspections for town buildings.
Mrs. O’Masta gave a summary of a report prepared by Mr. Finaldi of Rose and Kiernan highlighting our claims for the last 5 years.  Our claims history has not been consistent.  At present we have doubled our total losses by 50% from last year.  However, this is driven by a single claim.  

The next meeting will be held on December 5th at the Municipal Center
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am

Carole Ross